
  • 英文缩写词:D/C
  • 英文单词:Down-Converter
  • 缩写词中文简要解释:下变频器
  • 中文拼音:xià biàn pín qì
  • 缩写词分类:Governmental
  • 缩写词领域:Military

  1. A digital down-converter ( DDC ) based on a new lower-bit higher-order sigma-delta (Σ - Δ) modulator was proposed.
  2. The circuit design of the digital signal processing board is accomplished, including A / D converter and digital down-converter circuit, FPGA circuit, DSP circuit, interface circuit and power supply circuit.
  3. This paper discusses key technology in the digital intermediate frequency receiver with wide band based on software radio, including down-converter on condition of band-pass-sampling, digital down-converter, multi-rate digital signal processing, band-pass signal decimating, and achieves software system simulation based on under-sampling.
  4. In the part of the hardware design, it consists of the hardware structure, the working state of the receiver and the different function of some important chips which are composed of FPGA, DSP and Digital Down-converter.
  5. Under this foundation we gave detailed explanations and a simulation report about how to achieve the design of High-speed data streams digital down-converter.
