“JFRM”是“Java Frame”的缩写,意思是“Java框架”

    英语缩略词“JFRM”经常作为“Java Frame”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“Java框架”。本文将详细介绍英语缩写词JFRM所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度。此外,还有关于缩略词JFRM的分类、应用领域及相关应用示例等。
  • 英文缩写词:JFRM
  • 英文单词:Java Frame
  • 缩写词中文简要解释:Java框架
  • 中文拼音: kuàng jià
  • 缩写词分类:Computing
  • 缩写词领域:Software

    以上为Java Frame英文缩略词JFRM的中文解释,以及该英文缩写在英语的流行度、分类和应用领域方面的信息。
  1. In system design to make system realize convenient and quick, accurate and efficient design goal, technically adopting advanced Java frame technology, using the system stability of SSH framework, and using quick easy expand javascript and CSS technology enables system operation convenient.
  2. The article discusses how to realize the structure of Java application frame, how to make Java report forms, how to print multi-page contents, how to realize print previews and when to call the print program.
  3. The electronic commerce simulated operating system based on Java language and Struts frame is presented.
  4. The system used the JAVA platform, which built three-story frame structure for the system, made the system faster and more convenient in achieving specific functions of the process.
  5. This paper introduce some models including CORBA standard constituted by OMG, DCOM model published by MICROSOFT, JAVA language and popular Web Services frame class.

    上述内容是“Java Frame”作为“JFRM”的缩写,解释为“Java框架”时的信息,以及英语缩略词JFRM所代表的英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度和相关分类、应用领域及应用示例等。